Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

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Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

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Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance

Despite our best efforts, many of us struggle with the same sins time and again, leaving us feeling hopeless in our searches for freedom. Pastor and author Neal Lozano knows this firsthand - and he's laid out a strategy, based on his years of experience, for you to overcome Satan's influence in your life. By focusing on Jesus' work instead of on the intimidating aspects of evil spirits, Lozano will help you discover freedom from sin, understand the biblical model of deliverance, stay free from sin, and guide others to freedom.

Balanced and hopeful, Unbound will help you start living the abundant, glorious life God has in mind.

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 8 hours and 13 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Audible.com Release Date: May 13, 2015

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I discovered Neal Lozano's book, “Unbound,” when our covenant community planned an Unbound Conference with him. Through his videos and in person, Neal gave us 25 hours of training. (He taught us how to cooperate with the Lord to gain freedom from the influence of evil spirits and then guide those coming to the conference in this prayer method. }We learned the five keys that unlock the doors we have opened to intimidating spirits and how to close them. The five keys have nothing to do with confronting evil spirits but understanding that not our power but the power of the name of Jesus accomplishes it all: Repentance and faith. Forgiveness. Renunciation of evil spirits. Taking authority over those spirits. The Father’s blessing. That’s the strategy that answers to our prayer “deliver us from evil,” freeing us from the lies Satan tells to keep us from God’s plan for our life.As we learned these keys, we practiced them with one another. Instead of believing the lie that I could never do this right, my confidence grew that the Lord could use me in this ministry. (That attitude developed from many healings I experienced through ordinary people in the Unbound ministry with no extraordinary powers within themselves. }Using the keys, I then helped others discover and renounce the hidden roots of their difficulties that blocked their freedom. I heard reactions from “I feel lighter as if a heavy load of furniture shifted from my core” to “Unbound by the Blood of Christ, my spirit is dancing and celebrating with the Lord.”During the Unbound conference the Holy Spirit displayed his power among many strangers with the common goal of freedom, yet with such different blocks to unlock. The blocks are lies we believe are part of us such as, “I can never do anything right. I don’t belong. God could never forgive me. I’m a victim.” When the light of God’s truth shines on these lies, the pain of traumas such as addiction to pornography, death of a child or a parent, child abuse, abortion and abandonment are healed. Forgiving others and ourselves is no longer impossible. As we recognize hidden guilt, fear and self-condemnation, we are able to take responsibility for our sins and renounce their roots. The Father’s Blessing restores our self-worth.Neal says that the Unbound model works from several basic truths:• Because of Jesus, we have hope and can ask for the blessing we need.• Jesus is our hope; he is our savior.• Jesus saves us from sin and from Satan’s plan for our lives.• Jesus reveals to us our hearts so that we can repent.• Jesus gives us the power to forgive others and to renounce the enemy in our lives.• We have authority over the devil’s influence in our lives in the name of Jesus.• God wants to bless us by revealing who we are, so we might fulfill our destiny.The “Unbound” keys help me peel back the layers of lies I believed that preoccupy my confessions and my depressions. I’m keeping a journal and praying the Unbound deliverance prayers with my husband and in our share group. I’m not surprised that many pastors, spiritual directors and confessors add the Unbound keys to their toolbox.The keys help me keep resentment and unforgiveness from settling in my soul. I no longer routinely Xerox my list of sins before Reconciliation. Some of them are gone and Jesus and I are working on some others. Every day my awareness of God’s conviction, presence and power to transform me, grows as well as my freedom to live as the woman he created me to be.

For anyone tired of the negative and accusatory thoughts they feel about themselves, or if they are looking for the cause of their sadness or depression, or if they want to feel great about themselves and how much God loves them, this book is a MUST. It has done great things for me, my thoughts are no longer negative. Absolutely great book. Even better is to read the book and attend an UNBOUND weekend conference.

Every Christian needs this book, period. Mr Lozano shows the way to life-giving freedom and incredible spiritual riches beyond. Using the process outlined in Unbound led to real change in some areas I was beginning to think would be dark forever. I plan to use it twice a year, during Advent and Lent. His ministry is a true gift of a loving God. A real blessing!

This was the first of many books I’ve now read by Neal Lozano. It clearly explains the Five Keys to Freedom in Christ, using powerful real life examples, and showing how the teaching fits with Biblical and Catholic teaching. I'm actively involved with Unbound ministry, and this was the original basis for my training. I recommend it to everyone I know, because we can all benefit from faith, repentance, forgiveness, renunciation of lies and unclean spirits, deliverance, and blessings! I got my pastor this book in Spanish and the related DVDs for Priests and Deacons, and he is now extremely excited about what Unbound can do for the congregation and beyond.Chris Boersma SmithReapAsYouSew.comSpiritual Director, Spiritivity Coach, and Unbound Minister - I inspire and encourage women to get free, to embrace their favorite creative pursuit, and to appreciate these as part of their spiritual path.Author of Reap As You Sew: Spirit at Work in Quiltmaking

One of the best books I've ever read. He writes in a more ecumenical way, and we Catholics already have so much going for us in the efficacious grace of the Sacrament of Confession, but Unbound opens up our soul all the more by walking us through smaller deeper areas we may have missed in day to day living. Neal Lozano provides great knowledge about how to arm ourselves against satan's plan for our lives by asking in depth questions, challenging the core of our faith, and providing real life examples of others who renounced evil influences in their lives and opened themselves up to the Holy Spirit

Far and away the best book on this subject I've ever read - and I've had occasion to read many over the years. The information offered is solidly based on scripture and years of practical experience. Using the Unbound model in praying for others is a straightforward and peaceful method of helping them walk free from demonic influence and/or harassment. That freedom is something Christ purchased for His followers, and praying for it has always been an aspect of what is sometimes called inner healing. A worthy read for everyone from seasoned prayer warrior, to seeker, to skeptic.

I love this book but I had to buy the book. The guy reading the book drove me nuts. This guy would try to speak in a female voice when reading those parts and when reading a story of another man, he would (again) read in a female voice (his version anyway). This was SO distracting and unnerving. Why no one told this ready it was not a good idea is beyond me. I had my wife listen and she absolutely hated this guys stupid voice changing when speaking another voice. If you buy this, DO NOT BUY the audio version. The reader is very patronizing and his voice changes are so strange. UGH!

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Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance
